The Midway Star Academy, the sole elementary school in the Midway Star Academy district in Minnesota, serves a predominantly African American student population from low-income backgrounds. Despite the school's efforts, its academic performance lags significantly behind the state average, with proficiency rates well below Minnesota's benchmarks in math, reading, and science.
Midway Star Academy's student body is 99.52% African American, and 95.43% of its students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating the school serves a community facing significant economic challenges. The school's consistently low rankings, placing it in the bottom 20% of Minnesota elementary schools, suggest long-standing difficulties in improving student outcomes. Standardized test scores reveal large achievement gaps, with proficiency rates ranging from 11.11% in science to 32.12% in reading, compared to the state averages of 39.56% and 49.85%, respectively.
The data on Midway Star Academy raises concerns about the quality of education being provided and the need for targeted interventions and support to help improve student performance and close achievement gaps. Further investigation into the school's specific challenges and strategies for improvement would be warranted to ensure that all students in the Midway Star Academy district have access to a high-quality education that prepares them for future success.
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