The Art and Science Academy is the sole elementary school located in Isanti, Minnesota, serving grades K-4 with a total enrollment of 206 students. This public charter school has a predominantly White student population, with over 80% of students identifying as such, and a significant economic need, with 44.17% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Academically, Art and Science Academy performs relatively on par with or slightly above the statewide averages in math and reading proficiency, with 46.15% and 52.56% of students proficient or better, respectively, in the 2023-2024 school year. However, the school's proficiency rates have fluctuated over the past three years, indicating some inconsistency in academic performance. The school's statewide ranking among Minnesota elementary schools has also varied, ranging from 411 to 469 out of 845 to 881 schools, placing it in the middle to lower-middle range of performance.
Overall, Art and Science Academy serves a diverse student population with a significant economic need, and its academic performance is relatively average compared to other elementary schools in the state. Further analysis would be needed to fully understand the school's strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement.
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