There is only one high school located in Wolf Point, Montana - Wolf Point High School. This school serves a predominantly Native American student population, with two-thirds of the 225 enrolled students identifying as such. However, the academic performance at Wolf Point High School is concerning, with proficiency rates in mathematics, reading, and science well below the state averages.
Wolf Point High School's students struggle academically, with only 5.13% proficient or better in mathematics, 23.68% in reading, and 8% in science, compared to state averages of 36.59%, 46.03%, and 37.03%, respectively. This poor academic performance is reflected in the school's low ranking, as it placed 114th out of 124 Montana high schools and received a 0 out of 5 star rating from SchoolDigger. Despite the low academic achievement, the school spends a relatively high amount of $12,388 per student, raising questions about the efficient and effective use of resources.
The data suggests that Wolf Point High School faces significant challenges in providing a high-quality education to its students. Addressing the root causes of the academic underperformance and implementing targeted interventions to improve student outcomes should be a priority for the school and district. Ensuring educational equity and addressing the unique needs of the predominantly Native American student population should also be a key focus area.
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