Satsuma City, Alabama is home to a single high school, Satsuma High School, which serves students in grades 9-12. This standout institution has consistently ranked among the top 25 high schools in the state of Alabama over the past three school years, earning a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Satsuma High School's academic performance is significantly above the state averages across multiple subjects and grade levels, including math, science, and English. With a predominantly white student population (82.31%) and nearly half of the students receiving free or reduced-price lunch (45.71%), the school demonstrates a diverse learning environment that serves students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds. The school's spending per student of $9,796 is in line with the state average, suggesting the Satsuma City district is effectively allocating resources to support student learning.
Overall, Satsuma High School stands out as a high-performing, diverse, and well-resourced institution that is providing an excellent education to its students. The school's consistent top rankings and strong academic outcomes make it a standout in the Satsuma City district and the state of Alabama.
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