The San Diego Global Vision Academy is the sole elementary school located within the San Diego Global Vision Academy District. This K-8 school serves 417 students and has maintained a strong 4-star rating from SchoolDigger for the past three school years, placing it in the top 25% of elementary schools in California.
The school's academic performance is particularly noteworthy, as it consistently outperforms the state average in English Language Arts/Literacy and Science proficiency. However, its Mathematics proficiency rates are more mixed, with some grades exceeding the state average and others falling below. This presents an opportunity for the school to identify and address any specific areas of weakness in its Mathematics instruction and curriculum.
Despite serving a significant population of economically disadvantaged students, with over 60% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, the San Diego Global Vision Academy has demonstrated its ability to support the academic needs of a diverse student body and maintain a high level of overall performance. The school's consistent high ratings and strong results in core subject areas suggest a commitment to continuous improvement and student success.
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