The Rocketship Academy Brilliant Minds is the sole elementary school located in the Rocketship Academy Brilliant Minds District in San Jose, California. Serving grades K-5, the school has a total enrollment of 504 students. While the school maintains a 3-star rating from SchoolDigger, its statewide ranking has declined over the past three school years, suggesting it is not keeping pace with the performance of other elementary schools in the state.
Academically, Rocketship Academy Brilliant Minds has a mixed performance, with some grade levels exceeding the state average in English Language Arts and Mathematics, while others fall below. The school's proficiency rates in Science are also below the state average. Additionally, the school faces challenges with a high chronic absenteeism rate of 27.0%, which is significantly higher than the state average. This high rate of chronic absenteeism can negatively impact student learning and academic outcomes.
Socioeconomically, Rocketship Academy Brilliant Minds serves a population with significant economic challenges, with 75% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch. This high percentage of economically disadvantaged students may require additional resources and support to address their unique needs. The school also has a relatively high student-teacher ratio of 30.5 to 1, which could impact the quality of instruction and individual attention students receive.
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