Ridgway High (Continuation) is a public high school located in Santa Rosa, California, serving grades 9-12 with a total enrollment of 233 students. The school is part of the Santa Rosa High School District, which is ranked 953 out of 1,568 districts in California and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Ridgway High consistently ranks in the bottom 10-15% of California high schools based on the SchoolDigger statewide ranking, with a ranking between 1,800-2,200 out of around 2,300 schools. The school's academic performance is significantly lower than the nearby Santa Rosa High School and other comparison schools, with only 3.17% of students proficient or better in 11th grade English Language Arts/Literacy, compared to 48.32% at Santa Rosa High and 55.73% statewide. Ridgway High's four-year graduation rate has fluctuated between 65.6% and 85.2% over the past five years, with a dropout rate ranging from 5.1% to 13.9%, which is higher than the nearby schools.
One of the key challenges facing Ridgway High is its extremely high rates of chronic absenteeism, ranging from 65.1% to 85.8% over the past five years, significantly exceeding the rates at nearby schools such as Maria Carrillo High (19.1%) and Santa Rosa High (32.0%). The school's performance is particularly low for certain student subgroups, such as Hispanic, White, and Low Socioeconomic Status students, who rank in the bottom 10-15% of their respective subgroups statewide.
Santa Rosa High
In the 2023-24 school year, 274 students attended Ridgway High (Continuation).
Students at Ridgway High (Continuation) are 75% Hispanic, 15% White, 3% Asian, 3% Two or more races, 2% African American, 1% American Indian, 1% Pacific Islander.
Ridgway High (Continuation) ranks in the bottom 6.4% of California high schools.