The Newell-Fonda Community School District has one elementary school, Newell-Fonda Elementary, which serves grades PK-5 and has an enrollment of 289 students. The school has consistently ranked in the top half of Iowa elementary schools in recent years, with strong academic performance across English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.
Newell-Fonda Elementary's test scores generally exceed state averages, with 68.6% of 3rd graders, 65.9% of 4th graders, and 63.6% of 5th graders proficient or better in English Language Arts. In Mathematics, the school's performance is particularly strong, with 91.4% of 3rd graders, 68.3% of 4th graders, and 61.4% of 5th graders proficient or better. The school's spending per student was $12,429 in 2018-2019, and it had a student-teacher ratio of 16.4 to 1 in 2022-2023.
While Newell-Fonda Elementary performs well overall, there are a few areas where the school's scores are closer to or slightly below the state averages, such as 4th grade English Language Arts and 5th grade Science. These could be potential areas for improvement. Overall, Newell-Fonda Elementary appears to be a strong-performing school within the Newell-Fonda Community School District, providing a quality education to its diverse student population.
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