Winnfield Middle School


Winnfield Middle School is a public middle school in Winnfield, Louisiana, serving 345 students in grades 5-8. The school is part of the Winn Parish School District, which is ranked 58 out of 122 districts in the state.

Winnfield Middle School has a diverse student population, with 52.46% White, 43.48% African American, 2.03% Hispanic, and 2.03% two or more races. Academically, the school's proficiency rates in Mathematics (39%) and English Language Arts (64%) are below the state averages of 59% and 69%, respectively. However, the school's ELA proficiency rates are higher than the district average of 61%. The school's performance varies across different student subgroups, with White students performing better than African American students.

Winnfield Middle School has a relatively low student-teacher ratio, ranging from 15.6 to 17.1 over the past three school years, which is lower than the state average. However, the school has a high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, ranging from 46.54% to 73.33% over the past three school years, indicating a significant population of economically disadvantaged students. The school's statewide ranking has declined over the past several years, suggesting the need for targeted interventions and support to address performance disparities and socioeconomic challenges.


Public 5-8

 685 Thomas Mill Road
       Winnfield, LA  71483

(318) 628-2765

District: Winn Parish

SchoolDigger Rank:
312th of 449 Louisiana Middle Schools

Per Pupil Expenditures:  $15,470 Help

Students who attend Winnfield Middle School usually attend:

High:    Winnfield High School

Feeder schools for Winnfield Middle School:

Elementary:    Winnfield Primary School

Student/teacher ratio:  14.2 Help
Number of students:  385

Racial breakdown:

African American:

Free/discounted lunch recipients:  79.2% Help

 See top rated Louisiana middle schools

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Performance Trends
Compare Details Winnfield Middle School ranks worse than 69.5% of middle schools in Louisiana. (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 32.96. (See more...)
Student Body
Compare Details Racial makeup is: White (49.1%), African American (45.2%), Hispanic (2.9%). (See more...)
Compare Details 79.2% of students are receiving a free or discounted lunch. (See more...)
Compare Details The student/teacher ratio at Winnfield Middle School is 14.2. (See more...)
Compare Winnfield Middle School employs 26.9 full-time teachers.
Compare Details The average total spent per student at Winnfield Middle School is $15,470.
Schooldigger 2024 Rankings:

Winnfield Middle School:

SchoolDigger ranks Winnfield Middle School 312th of 449 Louisiana public middle schools. (See Winnfield Middle School in the ranking list.)

Middle School Test Score Ratings by Student Subgroup:

Low Socio Economic Status students:
Female students:
Male students:
African American students:
White students:

Winn Parish:

SchoolDigger ranks Winn Parish 58th of 122 Louisiana school districts. (See district ranking list.)

What do you think?

Your rating for Winnfield Middle School?

Rank History for Winnfield Middle School


Rank History for all students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2007 67.37 145th 396 63.4%
2008 68.55 140th 413 66.1%
2009 71.57 117th 425 72.5%
2010 58.27 198th 408 51.5%
2011 54.17 220th 412 46.6%
2012 64.03 163rd 442 63.1%
2013 64.21 157th 457 65.6%
2014 51.68 240th 470 48.9%
2015 51.18 247th 482 48.8%
2016 45.47 273rd 435 37.2%
2017 43.68 281st 437 35.7%
2018 42.68 234th 411 43.1%
2019 47.94 249th 449 44.5%
2021 33.17 311th 459 32.2%
2022 46.20 257th 460 44.1%
2023 44.17 259th 465 44.3%
2024 32.96 312th 449 30.5%
See the entire list of Louisiana Middle School Rankings!

Rank History for Special Education students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 40.17 114th 202 43.6%
2021 31.21 145th 210 31.0%
2022 31.78 145th 206 29.6%
2023 21.51 173rd 206 16.0%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for Special Education Students!

Rank History for Low Socio Economic Status students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 53.14 203rd 403 49.6%
2019 40.80 272nd 430 36.7%
2021 30.24 328th 455 27.9%
2022 37.51 283rd 458 38.2%
2023 33.15 314th 459 31.6%
2024 27.60 336th 444 24.3%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for Low Socio Economic Status Students!

Rank History for Female students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 49.49 226th 418 45.9%
2021 36.38 291st 441 34.0%
2022 44.41 260th 441 41.0%
2023 46.43 250th 444 43.7%
2024 36.61 284th 415 31.6%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for Female Students!

Rank History for Disabled students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 53.50 65th 170 61.8%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for Disabled Students!

Rank History for Male students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 43.45 243rd 418 41.9%
2021 36.28 286th 442 35.3%
2022 48.75 221st 442 50.0%
2023 45.27 231st 443 47.9%
2024 29.33 310th 426 27.2%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for Male Students!

Rank History for African American students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 41.68 196th 313 37.4%
2019 39.62 204th 338 39.6%
2021 22.51 286th 352 18.8%
2022 36.50 223rd 360 38.1%
2023 29.91 258th 360 28.3%
2024 28.72 260th 333 21.9%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for African American Students!

Rank History for White students at Winnfield Middle School

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools LA State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 64.54 122nd 338 63.9%
2019 50.40 185th 350 47.1%
2021 36.38 252nd 358 29.6%
2022 55.82 171st 362 52.8%
2023 54.06 174th 352 50.6%
2024 33.83 235th 320 26.6%
See the entire list of Best Louisiana Middle Schools for White Students!

Data source: test scores: Louisiana Dept of Education, rankings:

As you review the school rankings data, please be aware that some of the information from certain demographics is missing. The reason for this omission is that the data has been redacted from the source data itself due to low population samples in these specific demographic groups.

Redacting data from low population samples is a necessary step to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the results, as small sample sizes may not be representative of the broader population. Additionally, this measure helps protect the privacy of individuals belonging to these demographic groups.

Winnfield Middle School Test Scores
Group by: 
District Scores:
State Scores:    

Data source: Louisiana Dept of Education

Review counts

All ratings (Avg rating: 3)






by a parent
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Open Quote I really think this school could really use some grant money or better funding and a over seer to make sure the money actually went to its purpose,not just someone's pockets. But also having less than nothing lunches and back dated materials,while other schools are supplying their kids with electronic notebooks downloaded with textbook materials- our kids are still dragging around books throwing off their backs and creating shoulder problems and loosing their work,but yet the school has lockers that are empty,if they need to have contracts drawn to use them in order to have legal searches during d.a.r.e. week,then so be it,but at least give students an open option to them. The teachers themselves have forgotten how to be that scholar that he or she ignores or mistreats by assuming and forming their opinion and treating them as such should not wonder why we have so much violence brewing,because the home lives are so different in many ways,so the least they could do is actually explain the work until its understood or assign a classroom buddy that has a greater understanding and can help for extra credit. And for this school,there's only yet hope to be had,so maybe this year they will have less pregnancies-(not just students either the teachers are role models who have jobs and can afford a baby and are in front of students who may look up to them but do not need to be exposed to pregnancy only to have a future of welfare and food stamps etc...)and maybe summer school will contain less students,or maybe more teachers will actually prepare a lesson plan and can explain about the lessons they grade our kids on instead of complaining about being told to teach a lesson that they themselves didn't go to school for, and that wont happen cause they are short of teachers that are well rounded and have cut out parent teacher conference due to maybe teachers not showing up for the parent who cares and maybe its that parent that is too wrapped up in their own life to give a flip not showing up for the teachers who do care. What I know is that if all teachers were as dedicated and well rounded with great lesson planning as Mr. Grider and many other were then there would be no summer school and kids would have a future here in the south outside of fast food and retail and nursing homes. Close Quote

Enrollment information for Winnfield Middle School

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
1989 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 496 496
1990 368 226 1 5 1 n/a n/a 0 601
1991 355 232 0 5 2 n/a n/a 0 594
1992 363 245 1 4 0 n/a n/a 0 613
1993 366 229 0 4 0 n/a n/a 0 599
1994 341 199 0 5 0 n/a n/a 0 545
1995 300 180 0 6 1 n/a n/a 0 487
1996 300 180 0 6 1 n/a n/a 0 487
1997 296 182 0 4 0 n/a n/a 0 482
1998 282 221 0 3 0 n/a n/a 0 506
1999 258 233 1 3 0 n/a n/a 0 495
2000 239 219 4 2 0 n/a n/a 0 464
2001 252 204 4 2 0 n/a n/a 0 462
2002 244 171 4 3 0 n/a n/a 0 422
2003 244 171 4 3 0 n/a n/a 0 422
2004 236 181 5 3 0 n/a n/a 0 425
2005 215 184 5 4 0 n/a n/a 0 408
2006 219 168 4 7 0 n/a n/a 0 398
2007 211 169 1 6 0 n/a n/a 0 387
2008 208 167 0 5 0 n/a n/a 0 380
2009 186 176 0 4 0 n/a n/a 0 366
2010 194 170 0 3 0 n/a n/a 0 367
2011 201 170 0 4 0 0 1 0 376
2012 209 178 1 5 3 0 0 0 396
2013 207 166 1 6 1 0 2 0 383
2014 262 219 2 4 1 0 2 0 490
2015 242 210 2 7 0 0 4 0 465
2016 246 214 3 7 0 0 6 0 476
2017 225 210 2 10 0 0 7 0 454
2018 209 187 1 12 0 0 8 0 417
2019 214 187 1 17 0 0 5 0 424
2020 191 171 0 16 0 0 5 0 383
2021 209 168 0 12 0 0 6 0 395
2022 190 157 0 9 0 0 5 0 361
2023 181 150 0 7 0 0 7 0 345
2024 189 174 0 11 0 0 11 0 385

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Winnfield Middle School

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1989 496 24.0 20.6 47
1990 601 36.0 16.6 42.4
1991 594 34.0 17.4 41.8
1992 613 33.0 18.5 48.9
1993 599 35.0 17.1 52.1
1994 545 34.0 16.0 48.8
1995 487 32.5 15.0 50.1
1996 487 32.5 15.0 50.1
1997 482 35.3 13.7 54.1
1998 506 35.5 14.3 57.1
1999 495 34.0 14.6 65.1
2000 464 30.9 15.0 63.8
2001 462 32.0 14.4 63.4
2002 422 28.0 15.1 64
2003 422 28.0 15.1 64
2004 425 30.0 14.2 66.4
2005 408 27.5 14.8 72.1
2006 398 24.0 16.6 72.4
2007 387 24.5 15.8 74.4
2008 380 23.0 16.5 70.3
2009 366 25.0 14.6 73.8
2010 367 24.0 15.2 71.9
2011 376 25.2 14.9 71.5
2012 396 23.9 16.5 73
2013 383 23.5 16.2 70.8
2014 490 31.6 15.5 71.4
2015 465 32.0 14.5 75.3
2016 476 n/a n/a 75.8
2017 454 34.7 13.0 74.2
2018 417 24.0 17.3 75.3
2019 424 23.0 18.4 55.7
2020 383 21.0 18.2 60.3
2021 395 23.0 17.1 61.3
2022 361 21.0 17.1 46.5
2023 345 22.0 15.6 73.3
2024 385 26.9 14.2 79.2

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch:

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Those with incomes below 130% of the poverty line receive free lunch, while those between 130% and 185% qualify for reduced-price lunch. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch serves as a marker for poverty, as it reflects the socioeconomic status of families in a given school or district. A higher FRPL rate typically indicates a higher concentration of low-income families, suggesting that the school or district may face additional challenges in providing adequate resources and support for student success.

Student/Teacher Ratio Winnfield Middle School

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1989 496 24.0 20.6 47
1990 601 36.0 16.6 42.4
1991 594 34.0 17.4 41.8
1992 613 33.0 18.5 48.9
1993 599 35.0 17.1 52.1
1994 545 34.0 16.0 48.8
1995 487 32.5 15.0 50.1
1996 487 32.5 15.0 50.1
1997 482 35.3 13.7 54.1
1998 506 35.5 14.3 57.1
1999 495 34.0 14.6 65.1
2000 464 30.9 15.0 63.8
2001 462 32.0 14.4 63.4
2002 422 28.0 15.1 64
2003 422 28.0 15.1 64
2004 425 30.0 14.2 66.4
2005 408 27.5 14.8 72.1
2006 398 24.0 16.6 72.4
2007 387 24.5 15.8 74.4
2008 380 23.0 16.5 70.3
2009 366 25.0 14.6 73.8
2010 367 24.0 15.2 71.9
2011 376 25.2 14.9 71.5
2012 396 23.9 16.5 73
2013 383 23.5 16.2 70.8
2014 490 31.6 15.5 71.4
2015 465 32.0 14.5 75.3
2016 476 n/a n/a 75.8
2017 454 34.7 13.0 74.2
2018 417 24.0 17.3 75.3
2019 424 23.0 18.4 55.7
2020 383 21.0 18.2 60.3
2021 395 23.0 17.1 61.3
2022 361 21.0 17.1 46.5
2023 345 22.0 15.6 73.3
2024 385 26.9 14.2 79.2

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

Per Pupil Expenditures for Winnfield Middle School


YearTotal Expenditures Per Pupil
2017 $10,430
2018 $10,931
2019 $11,346
2020 $11,540
2021 $13,447
2022 $15,470

Data source: Louisiana Department of Education
Pre and Post Pandemic Data

Impact of COVID-19 on Winnfield Middle School

The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. Learning shifted online overnight, attendance numbers dwindled, and enrollment decreased. is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Through the collection of pre-pandemic (2019) and current data, is sharing test scores, enrollment numbers and school demographics from schools across the country – and we make it easy to see how impacted schools compare locally and statewide.


Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Ranks 249th of 449 Middle schoolsRanks 259th of 465 Middle schools

Test Scores

% proficient
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
% proficient
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
5th Grade Mathematics (Winnfield Middle School)5434
   5th Grade Mathematics (Winn Parish)5538
   5th Grade Mathematics (Louisiana)6361
5th Grade English Language Arts (Winnfield Middle School)6553
   5th Grade English Language Arts (Winn Parish)6749
   5th Grade English Language Arts (Louisiana)7170
5th Grade Social Studies (Winnfield Middle School)5437
   5th Grade Social Studies (Winn Parish)5634
   5th Grade Social Studies (Louisiana)5448
6th Grade Mathematics (Winnfield Middle School)5246
   6th Grade Mathematics (Winn Parish)5344
   6th Grade Mathematics (Louisiana)6157
6th Grade English Language Arts (Winnfield Middle School)6064
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Winn Parish)6253
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Louisiana)6768
6th Grade Social Studies (Winnfield Middle School)4431
   6th Grade Social Studies (Winn Parish)4128
   6th Grade Social Studies (Louisiana)5142
7th Grade Mathematics (Winnfield Middle School)5543
   7th Grade Mathematics (Winn Parish)5339
   7th Grade Mathematics (Louisiana)6158
7th Grade English Language Arts (Winnfield Middle School)6663
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Winn Parish)6955
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Louisiana)7267
7th Grade Social Studies (Winnfield Middle School)5356
   7th Grade Social Studies (Winn Parish)5447
   7th Grade Social Studies (Louisiana)5552
8th Grade Mathematics (Winnfield Middle School)6245
   8th Grade Mathematics (Winn Parish)5341
   8th Grade Mathematics (Louisiana)5347
8th Grade English Language Arts (Winnfield Middle School)7969
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Winn Parish)7459
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Louisiana)7170
8th Grade Social Studies (Winnfield Middle School)6661
   8th Grade Social Studies (Winn Parish)6449
   8th Grade Social Studies (Louisiana)6453

Student Body

Number of students
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Number of students
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Total Students424345
African American187150
American Indian00
Pacific Islander00
Two or More Races57
% Free/Discounted Lunch Recipients55.7%73.3%

Schools Near Winnfield Middle School

Frequently Asked Questions about Winnfield Middle School

Students who attend Winnfield Middle School usually go on to attend Winnfield High School

Winnfield Middle School ranks 312th of 449 Louisiana middle schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 2 stars out of 5.

In the 2023-24 school year, 385 students attended Winnfield Middle School.

Students at Winnfield Middle School are 49% White, 45% African American, 3% Hispanic, 3% Two or more races.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Louisiana Dept of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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