The Pembroke High School is the sole high school serving the town of Pembroke, Massachusetts. This high-performing institution consistently ranks in the top 25% of Massachusetts high schools, with a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's academic excellence is evident in its MCAS proficiency rates, which significantly exceed the state averages across all subject areas.
Pembroke High School boasts an impressive 96.0% four-year graduation rate, well above the state average, and a low 1.0% dropout rate. The school is well-resourced, with a student-teacher ratio of 12.4 and per-student spending of $15,674 for the 2020-2021 school year, both of which are higher than the state averages. These factors likely contribute to the school's strong academic performance and positive outcomes for its 733 students.
While Pembroke High School's academic achievements are commendable, the school's student population is predominantly White, with very low representation of other racial/ethnic groups. This lack of diversity within the school community may be an area worth further exploration, as it could have implications for the educational experiences and perspectives of the students.
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