American Montessori Academy operates a single elementary school, American Montessori Academy Elementary, serving grades PK-1 in Livonia, Michigan. With a student population of 143, the school faces significant challenges, including a high chronic absenteeism rate, a large percentage of economically disadvantaged students, and consistently low academic performance compared to other Michigan elementary schools.
American Montessori Academy Elementary has a predominantly African American student body (59.44%), with sizable White (29.37%) and Hispanic (5.59%) populations as well. The school spends $11,730 per student, higher than the state average, and maintains a favorable student-teacher ratio of 13:1. However, the school's chronic absenteeism rate of 50.6% is alarmingly high, and 76.22% of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating high levels of economic disadvantage among the student population.
Despite the Montessori educational approach, American Montessori Academy Elementary has consistently been ranked in the bottom quarter of Michigan elementary schools, with a 1-star rating out of 5. This suggests that the school's unique teaching methods may not be effectively translating to strong academic outcomes for its students, who face significant socioeconomic challenges. Addressing the high chronic absenteeism and supporting the needs of the economically disadvantaged population should be top priorities for the school and district.
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