The Friendship Academy of Arts-Primary is the sole elementary school located within the Friendship Academy of the Arts district in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Serving grades K-2, the school has a total enrollment of 116 students, the majority of whom are African American (90.52%).
While the school's statewide ranking has fluctuated in recent years, ranging from 425th out of 847 Minnesota elementary schools in 2017-2018 to 595th out of 870 in 2018-2019, its SchoolDigger rating has also varied between 2 and 3 stars out of 5. Additionally, a high percentage (86.21%) of students at Friendship Academy of Arts-Primary qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a relatively low-income student population. The school's student-teacher ratio of 14.5 is slightly higher than the national average of 16 students per teacher in public elementary schools.
Overall, the Friendship Academy of Arts-Primary appears to serve a predominantly African American and low-income student population, with a fluctuating academic performance that warrants further investigation. The school's unique demographics and challenges may provide valuable insights for understanding the educational needs and opportunities within the Friendship Academy of the Arts district.
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