The Milford School District in New Hampshire is home to two elementary schools, Heron Pond Elementary School and Jacques Memorial Elementary School, both serving students from kindergarten through fifth grade.
Based on the available data, neither school appears to be a standout performer, as both are ranked below average compared to other elementary schools in New Hampshire. Heron Pond Elementary School has been ranked between 160-171 out of 233-237 elementary schools in the state, with a 1-2 star rating from SchoolDigger, while Jacques Memorial Elementary School does not have any statewide ranking or rating information provided. Both schools have proficiency rates in Mathematics, Reading, and Science that are generally below the Milford School District and New Hampshire state averages.
While Heron Pond Elementary School has a more diverse student population, with 14.41% of students being non-White, compared to 10.8% at Jacques Memorial Elementary School, both schools have similar free and reduced lunch rates (around 16-17%) and student-teacher ratios (around 11-12). Overall, the Milford School District appears to have room for improvement in its elementary school performance, and the district may want to investigate strategies to boost student outcomes across the board.
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