The small town of Penasco, New Mexico is home to a single public middle school, Penasco Middle, which serves grades 6-8 with a total enrollment of 72 students. While Penasco Middle has seen some fluctuations in its academic performance and statewide ranking over the past couple of years, the school faces significant challenges, particularly in terms of the high poverty rate of its student population.
Penasco Middle's performance on state assessments has been mixed compared to state averages, with proficiency rates ranging from above average in some subjects to well below average in others. In the 2022-2023 school year, the school's ranking improved to 93 out of 239 middle schools in New Mexico, with a 3-star rating. However, in the 2023-2024 school year, its ranking declined to 141 out of 235 middle schools, with a 2-star rating. This suggests the school may be struggling to maintain consistent academic achievement and keep pace with other middle schools in the state.
One of the most significant challenges facing Penasco Middle is the high poverty rate of its student population, with 100% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. This high level of economic disadvantage can present unique challenges in terms of student support and resources. Additionally, with a relatively small student body of only 72 students, Penasco Middle may face limitations in the availability of specialized programs and extracurricular activities, though the small size could also allow for more personalized attention and support.
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