Family Life Academy Charter School III is the sole elementary school located in the Family Life Academy Charter School III district in the Bronx, New York. The school serves grades K-5 and has an enrollment of 231 students.
While the school has a high per-student spending of $20,537, its academic performance has been declining over the past three years. The school's statewide ranking has dropped from 933 out of 2,434 elementary schools in 2021-2022 to 1,822 out of 2,445 in 2023-2024, suggesting the school is struggling to keep up with other schools in the state. Proficiency rates on state assessments are also well below state averages, particularly in English Language Arts (ELA) and Science, with only 32.56% of 5th graders proficient in ELA compared to the state average of 43.68%.
The school serves a predominantly low-income student population, with 95.24% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. This high-need student population likely contributes to the school's academic challenges, despite the significant per-student spending. The school's declining performance and subpar academic achievement indicate the need for a closer examination of its instructional practices, resource allocation, and strategies for supporting its students.
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