The Glencoe High School is the sole high school located in the town of Glencoe, Oklahoma. While the school has a relatively small student population of 106, its academic performance has been inconsistent, with its statewide ranking fluctuating significantly over the past few years. The school's 3-star rating from SchoolDigger indicates average performance compared to other high schools in the state.
Glencoe High School's proficiency rates in core subjects like English Language Arts (44.8%) and Mathematics (6.9%) are well below the state averages, suggesting academic struggles. Additionally, the school's 4-year graduation rate of 80.1% is slightly below the state average. However, the school's low student-teacher ratio of 14.2 to 1 could be a potential strength, allowing for more individualized attention and support for students.
The data also reveals that a high percentage (65.09%) of Glencoe High School's students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a relatively low-income student population. While the school's per-student spending of $12,053 is on par with the state average, the combination of academic challenges and a predominantly low-income student body suggests that Glencoe may need to focus on improving educational outcomes and providing additional resources and support to its students.
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