There is only one middle school located in Noble, Oklahoma - Curtis Inge Middle School. This school serves grades 6-8 and has a mix of strengths and areas for improvement based on the available data.
Curtis Inge Middle School is ranked 114 out of 189 Oklahoma middle schools for the 2023-2024 school year, with a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's performance has fluctuated over the past few years, with rankings ranging from 109 to 120. In terms of proficiency, the school performs above the state average in English Language Arts (ELA) for grades 6-8, but has mixed results in mathematics, with 8th grade proficiency falling below the state average. The school also has a relatively high free and reduced-price lunch rate of 67.35%, indicating a significant population of economically disadvantaged students.
While the school's consistent ELA performance is a positive, the need to address mathematics proficiency, particularly in the higher grades, and the socioeconomic challenges faced by the student population, are areas that warrant further attention and targeted interventions. The school's fluctuating ranking within the state also suggests a need to closely monitor its performance and implement strategies to improve its overall standing.
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