There is only one middle school located in Sapulpa, Oklahoma - Sapulpa Middle School. Based on the available data, this school appears to be underperforming compared to other middle schools across the state. While the school serves a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students, its declining rankings and below-average test scores in English Language Arts and Mathematics suggest there may be room for improvement in the school's educational outcomes.
Sapulpa Middle School is ranked 151 out of 189 Oklahoma middle schools for the 2023-2024 school year, with a 1-star rating. The school's ranking has been declining over the past three years, from 135 out of 149 in 2022-2023 to 153 out of 171 in 2021-2022. Additionally, the school's proficiency rates in English Language Arts and Mathematics are below the state average for both 6th and 7th grades.
The high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch at Sapulpa Middle School, at 68.28% in the 2023-2024 school year, suggests the school serves a population with significant socioeconomic challenges. The school's relatively low per-student spending and high student-teacher ratio may also be contributing factors to its underperformance. Further investigation into the school's specific challenges and potential interventions may be warranted to help improve educational outcomes for the students of Sapulpa Middle School.
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