The middle school landscape in McKenzie, Tennessee is centered around a single institution, McKenzie Middle School, which serves grades 5-8 and has a total enrollment of 370 students. The school's student population is predominantly White (76.49%), with smaller percentages of African American (8.92%), Hispanic (7.57%), and other racial groups, suggesting a need to explore ways to promote greater diversity and inclusion within the school community.
Academically, McKenzie Middle School has shown mixed results on the TNReady assessments, with proficiency rates in Mathematics (41.2%) and English Language Arts (34.1%) above the state averages in 2023-2024, but more in line with or slightly below the state averages in 2022-2023. However, the school's performance on Science and Social Studies assessments has been stronger, with proficiency rates exceeding the state averages in most grade levels and subject areas. The school's student-teacher ratio of 14.2 is slightly lower than the state average, and its spending per student for the 2020-2021 school year was $9,311.
Overall, McKenzie Middle School appears to be a relatively stable educational institution, maintaining consistent academic performance across different subject areas and grade levels. While there may be opportunities to further enhance its academic outcomes, promote diversity, and ensure equitable resource allocation, the school serves as the sole middle school option for the McKenzie community.
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